Clean Energy MBA
Providing neither value add nor added value to the energy industry…
a blog and resources for MBAs interested in clean energy
Welcome to Clean Energy MBA!
Hello and welcome!
The inspiration for this website came during my time as an MBA student at Kellogg (Class of 2016) when I was searching for clean energy job opportunities and realized that there were limited resources available. This website was created to specifically cater to MBA students seeking renewable energy/cleantech careers in the United States. In the beginning, I wrote a few articles and compiled a list of resources to assist in the job search.
Since the inception of this website, the clean energy industry has experienced significant growth and there are now numerous resources available for job seekers. As a result, I have not felt the need to generate more content. Instead, I have decided to keep this site open as a personal blog and hobby, as it still receives a decent amount of traffic.